Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Weekend in Rome Part I - August 12th - 13th, 2011

We arrived in Rome the evening of August 12th.  Peter Van Lieshout and Sean Donovan, two seminarians who studied at the North American College in Rome, took us on a tour of the city the next day. We were in the city of Rome for the Feast of the Assumption (August 15th) which is a major holiday and travel weekend in Italy so many stores across the city were empty. We began our day with Mass at Saint Peter's Basilica:

Saint Peter's Basilica 
The Sistene Chapel

The Papal Apartments and Bernini's Colonnade

The Egyptian Obelisk

Michelangelo's Pieta

The Tomb of Pope Bl. John Paul II

The Altar of Pope St. Leo the Great

Fr. Fabian Lopez celebrating Mass at the Altar of Pope St. Leo the Great

Saint Andrew

The Papal Altar of St. Peter's Basilica

The Sacristy at St. Peter's Basilica

Saint Andrew the Apostle 

Swiss Guards

Castle San'Angelo

The Chiesa Nuova

The Tomb of St. Philip Neri

Piazza Navona

Church of San Agnese

Group Shot

Caravaggio's Martyrdom of Saint Matthew

The Calling of Saint Matthew

Altar of King St. Louis IX

The Pantheon

The Oculus of the Pantheon

The Main Altar of the Pantheon

The Tomb of Saint Catherine of Siena in the Church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva

The Confessional of Fr. Capello in the Church of Sant Ignazio

Tomb of Saint Robert Bellarmine

The Church of the XII Apostles

Trevi Fountain

The Basilica of Saint Mary Major

The Relics of the Crib of the Infant Jesus

Statue of Pope Bl. Pius IX

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